i wish to make a preloader which is an image filling in from the bottom up.
I have seent this cool effect, but can’t find any tutorial on it.
I can make it easily by creating a MC and adding preloader script [i found the tutorial for that] but it just loops.
I would like it to be like a bar-loader, except the image fills in [corresponding to how much has been loaded]
For demonstration’s sake, i have added the image i wish to use
Thank you C:-)
April 13, 2003, 11:56am
I’ve just finished… it doesn’t work that great because the actual content is quite small. It uses mask layers. If you have any problems just ask me.
April 13, 2003, 7:42pm
Dude thanks a whole bunch for the help!
Problem is, when i view it, it just shows a black box expanding. When you say it doesn’t work well cos the content is small, i think that can be solved by just stciking a huge mp3 file in there to test right??
Unless you meant something else :q:
April 13, 2003, 8:43pm
Hey dude i messed around with it a bit, but it dont work at all!
Can anyone tell me how to fix it?