I got this to work once before… I made my rollover effects and everything, now how do I export it to an html file?
Oh nm, you go to Save Optimized dont you… Darmn complex adobe software…
is imageready part of photoshop or a separate thingy?
separate thing but it comes bundled with it.
I NEVER use is though, it’s one of the ‘crappy’ software adobe made in my opinion. What you can do is slice your image in PS then go to file>save for web and then save all your slices in jpg or gif. Come back to ps, apply your effects for the rollovers and save again with the same slices, do to dreamweaver or any html editor and make your rollovers with the images made by PS. =)
I use Fireworks for that, it’s even simpler to use
Fireworks is mean, it wont let me make multiple layers I think I am inept…
Image Ready isnt bad. I use it all the time. I use it when I cant use Fireworks which is most of the time. IR has some interface annoyances but its sure to improve over time. But the big idea behind IR is not having to do that back and forth thing mlk was mentioning. Its also set up to handle not only rollovers and buttons, but also animations for things like animated gifs.
Whats goign on with your layers in fireworks morse?
FW is the bomb for this stuff. And the round trip editting avaiable in DW/Flash MX is great. But I do find it cumbersome to go between FW and PS7. Since alot of my high end stuff is created in PS7 or PSP8.
I dunno what is going on with layers in Fireworks… Maybe I’m just too lazy to figure the program out. I like the interface of photoshop.
there is a button on the bottom of the layers pallette… it creates a new layer…
ever thought of reading a help file?
and just FYI, layers in FW are more like layers in Flash and not as much like photoshop. In terms of photoshop each layer in Fireworks is more like a layer set/folder. Fireworks layers are sets consisting of other elements such as vector shapes or bitmaps, just like Flash layers can have more than one shape, symbol or bitmap. This also makes it more unified when importing FW files into Flash because you can maintain layers and have all elements in your FW layers go to seperate layers in Flash.