July 15, 2008, 2:08pm
Hi all!
I found this site, where you can scroll through images with the cursor and they fade between each other.
I’m sure I saw a tutorial or source code for something similar a while back, but I can’t find it.
Here is the link:
Any idea or know of any resource that might help me produce something similar?
Thanks, much appreciated.
if mouse is between A and B fade in this image if mouse is between B and C fade in that image.
Shouldn’t be too hard to code?
July 15, 2008, 4:35pm
ok, I think I understand what you mean. But I can’t seem to get it to work…sort of. I think I may have my conditional statement wrong or something.
I’m a noob, just so you know
this.onEnterFrame = function()
mouseX = _root._xmouse;
mouseY = _root._ymouse;
xvalue = mouseX;
yvalue = mouseY;
//this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if(mouseX >= 800)
hello = "Hello, World!";
if(mouseX <= 800)
hello = "Goodbye, Cruel World!";
It just constantly says “Goodbye, Cruel World”. But I want it so when I move the cursor greater or equal to 800 on the x axis I want it to change to “Hello, World” and back to “Goodbye…” etc when it is less than.
If I can get this to work I should be able to modify it for images / movieclips etc
July 16, 2008, 8:19am
nevermind lol. Think I’ve solved it