Hey kirupa people! Whats up , here goes my question
I have 5 background pictures and 1 main menu so i have 6 background pictures in the main menu i will have buttons that link to the other 5 background pictures how do i make it that when i click on a link that the image will be scrolled (or moved in from the rightside) i know ther eis a tutorial on this somewhere can some help me out here???
This component will help in showing you how it works. There is a discussion alongside the extension at flashcomponent.com <sliding navigation> It’s a starting point at least. Good luck!
heres another question i have all of those scrolling menus have the buttons beneath the movies if i put the buttons ontop of the movie will it create problems???
Try moving the buttons… Read the comments by the creator. There foiur tutorials alone within the comments aboiutusing it vertically as well as horizontally. It should be used to see how it is accomplished, not as the end all be all. Below is a copy of the sample with .fla file. Tweak it… Good luck!