

I’ve been writing some code, that - at the moment - makes an MC move, according to the mouseMove at the stage. But I want it to move, according to the size of another movieClip, and then use that movieClip as mask.

Now, every time I try changing it, it doesn’t work.

Here’s a reference link, to what effect I’m trying to replicate: ( look under one of the collections, and press a thumbnail, then move the mouse over to the large image, placed in the right side of the screen ).

Here’s the current code:
[AS]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speed = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var xMove = ((Stage.width))-_root._xmouse;
_x += Math.ceil((xMove-_x)/speed);
var yMove = ((Stage.height))-_root._ymouse;
_y += Math.ceil((yMove-_y)/speed);

Any help, would be much appreciated