I have 2 photos, and i want to animate the first photo, so that when i move my mouse left to right the first pictures moves and the other one reveals. I have attached an example of what i am trying to achieve. So i want to move my mouse over the picture and uveal the photo under it. I hope you understand.
u can use this code the first one ensures that if the movie clips pos is less that mouse it will increment itself and follow the mouse again if u move the mouse it will be incremented but it cant go beyond the stage which is ensured by the second line (300 is your movie width)
Hope this helps…
I don’t really understand, do i paste this code on the mask?v or on the photo I want to mask?
post the fla and i’ll hook it up for you =)
I cant really post the fla because it is larger than 72kb. Could you just draw 2 squares instead of the photos to show. The principle is the same.