Images do NOT look good when published in flash

Image has not been resized

Image still looks bad when on enen X,Y coordinates

Image still looks bad in GIF, JPG, PNG formats

Image looks good when Im working with flash, and only looks bad when exported

JPG quality is set to 100

can someone help? thanks

make sure the image you use has exact pixel dimensions meaning it should be like 50x50 and not 50.2x50.4pixels. next make sure the x and y coordinates of the image in flash is set to exact pixels. next break apart the image ang group it. If you placed it inside a movie clip make the registration pint at 0,0 and set its alpha to 97%. if your image hase a border make it 1px or any thickness as long as it is an exact pixel.

This is the thing I do to my image in flash to make them appear decent at least.

Good luck man!


it looks… better, but still, not good :frowning:

thanks for your help comicGeek

no problem man!
