Images I was interrogated over

About 2 or 3 years ago I was interrogated by the Secret Service. My wife lost her job. And I’m sure I’ve been put on a few lists…
I thought these were lost when I had to delete them from my old Xanga, but when I went to make a new PhotoBucket account and it told me I already had an account, I found them.
You can believe me or not, doesn’t matter.
BTW, sorry about the overuse of some effects. I was new to PS and playful.

They said I was insinuating something with this picture. It’s a quote and the bullethole is clearly in my chest.

Sorry to hear : (

Don’t forget, Big brother is reading your emails. Yes, gmail too. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=sekasi;2345807]Sorry to hear : (

Don’t forget, Big brother is reading your emails. Yes, gmail too. :)[/QUOTE]
Oh good, now the government knows how to grow 9 inches.

It’d be nice if there was an e-mail system they couldn’t read.

These look like something you did in a high school art class and got a C on. I really doubt the secret service has the resources or cares enough to “interrogate” you over them.

What is the point of this thread?

People who get interrogated over useless stuff are mad cool. Oh don’t you envy him now nobody! :lol:

I felt like talking about it.

Oh good, now the government knows how to grow 9 inches.

hahahaha! That’s the hardest I’ve laughed all day! :smiley:

^:lol: Think what else they might know.

This thread makes up for you spamming the photo thread. They are kind of comical photos and the story is also funny. So like dudes in black suits show up at your house or something lol.

[whisper]everything other than the wife thing[/whisper]

I’ve seen people interrogated over less. I wonder what they’d have to say about this?

I, for one, can’t bring myself to laugh about the Police State. It quit being funny a loooong time ago.

[quote=Templarian;2345834]^:lol: Think what else they might know.

This thread makes up for you spamming the photo thread. They are kind of comical photos and the story is also funny. So like dudes in black suits show up at your house or something lol.

[whisper]everything other than the wife thing[/whisper][/quote]
My wife and I had recently split up. She said she told a few people I was planning a political revolution (it was non-violent). She said she thinks someone she worked with snitched on me.
According to my friend whom I was staying with, several agents showed up at his house (not all were in black suits, but all had guns and earbuds), asked if they could come in, then walked past him upstairs, began rummaging through my room and they took him downstairs where they asked him a bunch of questions.
I was at school, but overheard my wife talking to the SS (wonder why they don’t use their acronym like the FBI and CIA) about me. I didn’t go home for a long time, but no matter who I ran into, they had already been questioned as to my whereabouts.
Finally I got together enough money for a tape recorder, called them, scheduled a meeting in an open area with video/audio recording, met 2 agents (good cop/bad cop deal), and they questioned me for about 3 hours. The reason they gave for tracking me down was that they had received a tip that I was planning a violent revolution combined with those images. I recorded about half of it before I ran out of tape and I know about 5 people who were in that cafe.

It wasn’t the most traumatizing thing that’s happened to me, but it definitely shook me up, and throughout the course of that day I began realizing how treacherous people are.

And the reason I’m talking about this isn’t to look cool (I don’t think me tucking tail would make me look cool). I was looking for a photo of myself, found those, and wanted to cement this story somewhere.

^Put up a current photo in the photo thread (just use your web cam or something… thats all I use).

Talk about way to much free time man. That would be like living in Canada or Britain and wanting to start a revolution. :lol:

I’m sure your past the whole paranoid of the government phase lol.

^There’s a ‘getting past the whole paranoid of the government’? Since when? :look:

::Touches Headset::

Bravo, delta tango. The package has been spotted. Awaiting further instruction.

Since I became the overlord of the dark yellow forces.

[QUOTE=Phenex;2345905]Since I became the overlord of the dark yellow forces.[/QUOTE]

You’re overlord of the Indonesians ?

I really hope I don’t get busted for this:

Don’t be so anxious to burn your retinas. I’ll put 'em up when I get them.

Yeah really… You can’t unlearn things.

[quote=fester8542;2345902]::Touches Headset::

Bravo, delta tango. The package has been spotted. Awaiting further instruction.[/quote]
:gm: Bring it! :hitman2:

Adam you are buuuuuusteeeeeed.

crap!!! I can’t help but be such a harcore bad arse!