I’m wondering if swift 3d could do something like importing a eps file then add the thickness to the object?!
not used swift 3d much, and I don’t have it on this computer to check, but can’t you go to the extrusion editor and do file/import. Go back to the main viewing area and it should be what you’re looking for…maybe…
I’m not sure of the file format. I can’t remember off the top of my head which type an eps doc is. I can say that swift will import any illustrator shape, or stroke. I think as a default it gives the object a 1.0 thickness.
If you have Flash, but no illustrator, no worries, because Flash will export any simple construct fills or strokes as a basic illustrator format.
I do almost all of my work in swift with imported shapes. (though the lathe and extrusion editors in swift are nice also)
Yeah, you can import eps files and as david said it automatically gives it depth. ignore what I said about the extrusion editor.
thank you all…that help a lot…!!!
does it have to be any certain kinda eps file? I saved it as eps file in photoshop, and then import it to swift 3d. Then guess what happened… I got a program erro pop up from swift 3d, it says “swift 3d has gernerted errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created.”
try 6.0 version ai as the file type.