Ilyaslammer,\rI find that Tutorial confusing…\r\rsorry man…\r:(
I’m the one that is sorry… I’ll try and rewrite the darn thing.
pom 0]
I’ll try and answer your questions though…
Now when i create a blank movie clip do i go Insert>new symbol .And then go back to my SCENE and add a layer called “empty clip” and drag and drop that blank clip onto the stage? Then create anothr Layer, with a button? and give tha button a “loadmovie()” ??
That is if you want a button to trigger the loadMovie. You could also put the load action in a frame, or in a clip… But yes, that’s the procedure.
But the thing is, what i want is when the user rolls over this certain 715 by 240 area i want the cursor.swf that i have created to show. So would i create a transparent button that covers that entire area with these actions?
That’s a good idea. You could load on rollOver and unload on rollOut.
By the way, are you working with Flash 5 or Flash MX ?
pom 0]
And hum… it’s ilyaslamasse…
hehe sorry that i got your name wrong, sometimes when im gonna write a reply to you i sometimes guess how to spell it. hehe Nah dont be sorry, your doing a great job
Ok Ok,
Well since i dont want to trigger anything can u tell me how to do it? Do you think you could just write a step by step procedure on how to do all this? It doesn’t have to be long, just as simple as…
Go Insert>new symboly>movieclip>write name of movie> etc…
Just something like that that is simply and straight forward.
If thats not too much trouble?
And so do you think i should do that button over that area so it does load the swf?
Im workig with Flash 5 by the way…
Im taking that as a no…
sorry… not sure if POM is around. He’s supposed to be off to the far east either already or shortly.
I’ll think about what POM has writen and try to answer your question… give me a bit.
thanks heaps upuate8…
If i get this done my site would look HEAPS better…
any feedback yet???
i wanna know how to do this…
Still working on sorting out what you’re doing here.
I think I need your source files to know exactly what I should be doing with this.