Importing movie to flash


how you all doing?

I have a .mov movie that I have imported into Flash MX and it is 8mb. When I import the movie into Flash and then export it,
it’s still way too big weighnig in at 6.3mb.

Is there a way of making the .swf any smaller at all??

Apreciate your help.



yes u can, when u take it into flash it asks u to link it or embed it right, so go embed it.

Then u can compress it using that program that comes up.
reduce the scale and the quality a bit more, that should help.

Other option is taking it into adobe after effects a editing program and u can import ur movie and render it again at a smaller compression such as sorenson video 3, that will bring it down a big chunk.


Thanks Dave.

I’ve done that in After effects and have managed to bring it down to about 1086k.

Problem is now, it does’nt paly smoothly. It plays in a kind of jerky motion…

Please have a look at the link below and tell me what you think…

Do I need to add a preloader?



This is a shot in the dark, but I believe a video file’s FPS is 30 so when you import it into flash, make sure the FPS is set to 30 as well.

EG is right, this should sort it. The default fps on Flash movies is only 12.

thats weird its never happened to me b4.

I had a 80 meg movie, i took it to aftereffects, compressed it as a sorenson 3 brought it down to 15 megs or so.

Then i took it to flash on 18fps and it worked fine, i also compressed it in flash bringing it to 6 megs or so, so i dnt know y u have that problem…sorry.