In need of layout advice

Thought I’d throw this one out there and see if anyone can provide a little advice. Laying out a website isn’t my strong skill and so far I’m not happy with how the main content is displayed. My site is a MMORPG set for release early next month. It’s all template based so I’ve left myself open to change any aspect of the sites appearance, but so far I’ve built only one template and I want to perfect it before I go any further.

If anyone could point me in the direction of some good examples on the web, or just some feedback and advice I’d really welcome it.

the content seems to have to much neg space around it, and to much neg space at the very bottom too. It feels a little unballenced, heavy to the right.

It can be good though, potential in there.

hmmm./…I think it looks fine. Is this a fully coded sample or just an image? I usually dont consider content in my critiques unless that is going to be the absolute placement when coded. It looks pretty d*mn good right now. Maybe if I knew more about the site I can comment on placement of elements. The colors and graphics are cool from what I can tell…got a higher res sample?

Ok, heres a little more info and a higher res screenshot.

The site is a Sci Fi massive multiplayer online role playing game. Basically players travel from planet to planet earning money by buying and selling commodities, attacking other players and NPC’s. It focuses on character development and buying bigger and better hardware. The whole point was to build a community of players and to further my web dev skills.

Most of the site will revolve around the player getting the sense that they are visiting a location in space (as much as I can with just text) and interacting with other players. Each page I’ve tried to keep the imagery to a bare minimum (no more than 70K) so I haven’t included avatars for any of the planets/systems etc.

These are screenshots from my test server. I think I mentioned before, it’s all templated so placement is fairly flexible. On this template it’s pretty much divided into 3 areas: common (left), user control (middle), main content (right).

Also, with that negative space… I’ve put a few NPC’s onto the planet to show the sort of scaling I need to think about when laying out the information. Basically the number of NPC’s is unlimited, but probably realistically there will be a max of 20 or so (same with the planetary destinations).

I love the layout…I think it serves its purpose and seems user friendly yet appealing to the techy. GJ

now that i see it bigger, looks great :smiley:

Looks good so far. You need to work on the buttons though. They are too plain to look good on your techy site try some eff at the bottom to like on the top. Only so much for now.

Best of luck.

Thanks for the feedback!

r_ferns82: are you talking about the text links at the bottom right? it’s only secondary navigation and meant for people who don’t have images turned on their browser.

i like it,

user control panel in the middle is throwing my eye- not that it doesn’t look good - just is throwing my eyes - especially with so little being in the common area at the moment.

I think that r_ferns82 is referring to the buttons at the very top the light green - “home” and etc.

They are nicely done, they just seem kind of faded and flat compared to the rest of your design - perhaps if they were more stylized after your main “nexus” chronicles logo?

at any rate you did a superb job iron.


The layout is neat. I like it. I have obnly one suggestion, the buttons on top the green ones, i see some one else have also poited out, seems its floating. Other than great.

mmm… I’ll have to take a look at those buttons then. Might be a job for tommorow :wink: . They are flash based so I was planning to add some nice rollovers to them. I think your spot on about making them similar to the logo itself. There are more buttons to go there, I just haven’t got around to making them yet :).

Hehe, that control panel in the middle was me attempting to do something a little different. Not to worry if it doesn’t work out, I’ll be making templates with different styles to please most.

I’ll post again tommorow with my updated buttons, see what you think.

layout looks great, i agree with the nav buttons, the font seems too toonish to me. like pr said , maybe stylised or a more clean cut font like the logo.

It looks really cool, lemme know when you launch the site :thumb:

Looks SUPERB. And the fact that the design intergrates seemlessly with your php coding makes me respect it more.


all I can say is wow. wow. wow.

I would not change anything


I think prstudio got me right its the top menu buttons. They look to plain for you site. Try doing something about it.