porpous2's layout check :)

ok, im making a gaming site and i want to know how good this is (from 1-10) (the contents not done and some places arent finished) and i also want to know what effects and stuff i should put in to make it perfect… like extra perfect or something lol

Even if you made those content boxes the same color that would be awesome. Getting another shade in there did the trick for me, good work :slight_smile: Look forward to seeing it with content, I see no problems with it now :smiley:

oh god that was very confusing… what did you just say???

Basically said you should be designed the site around the content.

thats what i was thinking. but then came the big words and my head exploded :slight_smile: thank you for the… translation :slight_smile:

Looks very fine porpous. Although there’s is also some part in my head that says I have to agree with the others, your flash layout should be linked to you content… I mean, f.e. if you make a site about flowers you would try to make something with a flower, do you understand what I mean?

If you don’t agree, just do it with that lay-out looks nice for sure! :thumb:

2nd or 3rd IMO.

Good job.

EDIT: D’oh, I just saw there was a 2nd page :blush:

well you see its a flash mulitplayer gaming website, with chat and everything, so there isnt really… 1 topic… the games are differnt…

hmm so how should i work about this then? sine most people want it to relate to the content, but each little game (which is the content) is totally differnt, im totlally stumped:m: :huh:

Take it to your clients. Ultimately, if they like the layout, obviously go with it. If not, stash it away, and then once a new one comes along just say “I have this layout pre-made, would you like to use this?” You can always make a new layout for this job.

hehe… this is for me not a client, pretty much this site is… a mass multiplayer universe of flash games that you can get coins and get ratings and stuff on the website, and play over the internet against other people, and flash chat and everything… its not for a client, im not a designer, im not that experianced, ive only had photoshop for a few months… maybe 3 or 2.5

Oh, well in that case, go with it if you want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t take actions based on my posts, I suck at webdesigning that’s why I quote myself

If you don’t agree, just do it with that lay-out looks nice for sure!


well thats what i need, im not trying to please designers as much as the overall community of people. My site isnt reaching designers, its reaching people who like multiplayer flash games over the internet.

I think it will be very pleasing. I just showed it to my brother and he said it kicks *** :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It looks nice. I would put little icons representing the different games up on the page to color it up… and if you’re going to have coins in the site, why not sprinkle some coins randomly around the layout, just to add something interesting to the site - don’t put them anywhere intrusive, just have them kind of poking out from the corners, or from behind other things… just a suggestion… :beam:

hmm, you see those things down at the bottom right, i tried to sprinke them all over and the webpage sucks… hmm, ill try your way.