name: justin
email: as3isolib (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi. I am the developer of the as3isolib. The project is nearing its beta release and is in need of a pretty cool demo to showcase its features. I am looking for a few good artists who can create some isometric content for the demo. What is needed:
[]several terrain tiles with varying elevations (I have an idea on this, we can talk details later on)
[]a variety of stone columns
[]walls (intact and war torn/aged)
[]various large stones (cracked, vegetation growth, etc.)
The style is important. I am going for a very manga or hand drawn look (as opposed to pixel art). Here are some examples of what I am looking for:
[]hand drawn work
[]wakfu 1
[]wakfu 2
[]wakfu 3
I really prefer the dark imagery of the first link coupled with the art style of the latter links.
This thing is ready to kick off and I want to get started ASAP. If you are interested in working on this please contact me via email at as3isolib (at) gmail (dot) com. The only thing I require is that you:
[]have the time to do it and can do so in a timely manner
[]you can speak English fluently enough so that I can understand you and
[*]that you are easy to contact and I can call/IM/skype you to talk further of the details.
There is no pay for this at the moment, however if your work fits the project, then I will pay for subsequent work later on down the road (this is an on-going project and will move from a demo to an actual game). If your art is used, then you will have your art showcased on the site and any relevant links to your portfolio so that you can promote yourself.