In Seattle

Hey all, I know there are a few of us in the Seattle area…and I’m officially now on that list. Moved to 123rd street in Kirkland Friday evening, start my new job on Monday (tomorrow) in Bellevue. :slight_smile:

How many of you are up here, and in what part(s) of the city/suburbs?

Isn’t Anoglr located in Seattle as well? I believe he moved there awhile back.

3dNirvana is in Seattle I believe.

I’m in Portland. If there’s every a Seattle meetup I’ll come up :beam:

Welcome! :beam:

[whisper]See ya at work tomorrow![/whisper]


I live in Bellevue. :thumb:

@Ryan: :smiley: You too, lol.

Yea, I heard a rumor that Kirupa himself was repositioned in Seattle when he joined forces with Mr. Gates a while back. Is that true?

And yea, a Seattle meetup would be kinda cool a while from now…assuming I can find a babysitter (no family up here :P)

Isn’t that one of the things our wives are for? (I kid, I kid, hahah. Don’t set our wives on me.) :lol: :run:

You can set your wives on me.



lol, I suppose that’s true. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Ryan: Speaking of wives babysitting, how about that NIN concert on July 26th? The wife said that she didn’t want to leave the newborn with a babysitter that soon and suggested that you and I go without her :frowning:

I don’t think my pregnant wife will want to go to the concert either, but I’m down. Lez talk details tomorrow. I’m going to bed, so I can get up at 6AM and finish this freelance gig. :wasted:

More news:

I am now officially a Sony Online Entertainment employee. :slight_smile: What a good few weeks this has been lol…

[quote=SlicDiggy;2347982]More news:

I am now officially a Sony Online Entertainment employee. :slight_smile: What a good few weeks this has been lol…[/quote]

Congrats! Are you and Angolr now making beautiful flash websites together? :stuck_out_tongue:

I live on the east-side in Redmond :slight_smile:

@Theros: Yea, I can pretty much turn around and poke Anogar in the back of the head. lol

@Kirupa: Whereabouts? You’re probably less than 20 minutes away from where Anogar and I work. :stuck_out_tongue: We’re in Bellevue.

Near the Redmond Town Center! I occassionally am in Bellevue for work, for we have some offices there and it is more 40 minutes when you factor in traffic :slight_smile:

Near the Redmond Town Center! I occassionally am in Bellevue for work, for we have some offices there and it is more 40 minutes when you factor in traffic during :slight_smile:

Near the Redmond Town Center! I occassionally am in Bellevue for work, for we have some offices there and it is more 40 minutes when you factor in traffic during rush hour :slight_smile:

Sweet triple post kirupa :smiley: