Infinite Menu Flickering

Hi guys,

Hope you can help me.

I used the infinite menu tutorial to create the swf for this site.

Does anyone know of a way to stop the images from flickering because the client likes it but wants me to stop it from flickering.


Flickering? I’ve made a pile of these things but never had a flickering issue.

this number of movieclip shouldn’f flicker

it would be nice when you post a question to post code about it too …

onClipEvent (load)
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
   var distance=_root._xmouse-xcenter;
   if (_x > 0) _x=-750;
   if (_x < -750) _x=0;

Sorry, thanks for the replies. Im kinda new to this. Do you see what I mean about the images flickering? V wierd!

I see no flickering, and I’m on a very slow machine right now. Perhaps try increasing the speed to get your desired result?

I suppose you mean that you have images in the movieclip that look like crap when you move them around? in that case use:

[COLOR=Blue]yourMovieClip_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;[/COLOR]

it would be better to use all the small pictures and move them instead of moving large one

I made it that way and it worked really fine

Yes, thats what I mean! The actual images look, well, flickery if you look at them too long. It doesnt bother me but the client wants it fixed. Its similar to the way fine lines look on tv screens. I thought it might help if it stopped when you rolled over the images but am not sure how to alter the code.

Where should I place that cache code? Just in root of the timeline? Thanks!

I have used small pics and grouped them into a movieclip. I dont know enough actionscript to move each image individualy.

I made wrong translation with flicker

cacheAsBitmap is solution, hexa is right :wink:

it depends, it should be in the root timeline where your MC is…

It depends on where you have your mc… if its in the root, place it in the root… i can take a look at it if i can get the file somewhere

Aw thanks, you’re an angel! I just realised that the text is flickering when you rollover the buttons too. Is there any way you could help me to make it stop when you roll over a button?

The file’s too big to attach so I’ve uploaded it here

Cheers! :smiley:


Anyone? :slight_smile:

I looked at your file… you need to get flash 8 in order to use cacheasbitmap… if you can do that?

Possibly. Will that stop the text from doing it too?

In flash 8 you can set the text to antialias for animation, that should do the trick, also if i set the frame rate to 34, which it should be, it looks much better…