Infinite Menu Problem

Hi everyone,

I am having a problem with my infinite menu. I have setup the mc just like the tutorial. Used and modified the actionscript as mentioned in the tutotial. But when I run it, the movie scrolls and comes to end of the pictures with empty space. How could I fix this?

post your version of the code and someone should be able to correct it for you. Most probably the targeting to the scrolling MC isn’t right and it isn’t looping properly… just can’t tell without the code or even better the *.fla file.

yes… please post the fla. Much easier that way.

i think i know your problem is… same prob
make all of your pictures into movieclip…

I have checked my pictures. They are all converted to mc.

My fla is too huge. I can’t attach it…

I don’t understand why it doesn’t loop properly… Plays the pics as is then it get cut off with a empty space then recontinues with the pics.

onClipEvent (load)
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
var distance=_root._xmouse-xcenter;
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
// 320 px is half of the movie clip
var distance=_root._xmouse-xcenter;
if (_x > 0) {
if (_x < -320) {

Basically, the -320 is half the size of the move clip (menu_gen) that hold pictures stored as movie clips (total 640, 320 each).

I don’t see anything wrong with the script or the width of the pics.

let’s do some test here…
for the first empty pic, convert the pic once more into mc…
if it works, do for the rest of it…

There is no empty pic. There’s a movie clip called menu_gen that holds 2 pictures in it stored as movie clips. Those pictures within the menu_gen movie clip are called pic1 and pic2.

ups sorry my big mistake!!! i’m not observe your post clearly…
u mean there’s a gap between the loop isn’t it??
sorry it’s suppose to be my bed time…:slight_smile:

have u check your registration point?? is it in the left end point?

the menu_gen that hold the pictures is set to left end registration point. The movieclips (pics) within the menu_gen is set in the center.

Additionally, this infinite menu isn’t called through the main timeline, it is nested within a movieclip.

Alright, I have deleted the original menu mc and recreated the mc again. It still has a white space there (about half the width of one picture. I must not be positioning the mc correctly.

Any suggestions on this problem?

here’s a link to the swf.

try it, see it, and let me know if you could figure out the problem. I can’t seem to figure out.

sorry onLooker… have to see the fla…
u could send it by making example of it but not with the whole image…

onLooker… you have to post the fla, please.

im havin the same prob as this guy so i hope you dont mind me posting my .fla in here instead of making a new thread…

anywho… here it is, thx for the help

My fla is over a 100k. How do I reduce the size of it?

zip it

Alright, here’s the fla file. Let me know if you have any luck in solving this problem. I deleted the mc and redid it again, but no luck. Thanks in advance!

Montoya, I have tried to reply to your pm but it says your mail box is full. Here’s the URL to the infinite menu fla file. Let me know if you could fix it. Hey IndoJepang, you could try it and see if you could figure it out too. Thanks everyone!