ok, new to flash, well, not really, just new to the whole coding aspect but I am learning. I am trying to do that infinite menu thingy but unfortunately, I cant download the source file and I followed as best I could without it but for some reason its not working. Probably user error but if anyone out there happens to know what to do. please let me know. Thanks.
can you post your fla? cause i don’t hae the file either :-\
sure, dont work though. How do I do that?
when you post a message, its says attach file
this is mine
i can’t open your file for some reason??!
maybe my comp is just screwed up
well i can’t open your fla, nor download the source as well. But i did before, but i changed it a bit. it should still be a bit similiar. See if this can help.
well, I think it was too big, I’ll try this
…nope…not working again. Did my fla work for you?
it says its too big again, guess I gotta work on getting it smaller. so the buttons are just invisible?
my files too big??! or yours?? and yea the buttons are just invisible…
no mine. I have individul buttons with pictures. Im working on a site for my friend and its a bunch of pictures of djs. I want to be able to scroll there pictures. Do I have to make them all like one graphic?
yeea…more like Movieclip. Put them all into one movieclip, and make sure the registration point is on the LEFT.
I did but its still not working, I just dont understand
hmm…its really weird how your files aren’t working for me. But guess what, i think i have the source file. This should be it
wont let me access it
…whats it say??? Its definately your computer then…
well, I took your source file that I got before and replaced the text with the pictures and it works now