I’m sure this is really easy, I just don’t know the best way of doing it… I have a sound loop, and instead of putting “1000000000” in the loop box, I figured there has to be a way to do it better. I tried putting it in a movie clip, making the clip as many frames as the loop lasted, and setting it to stream. It loops forever, but there’s a skip everytime. Do I need to create some kind of for or while loop?
awww c’mmon, this should be nothing for you experts
try putting a fade in and fade out on the sound file, select the timeline where the sound file is and choose edit drag the little square toward the bottom then click a little towads the right on the wav pattern and drag the second square all the way to the top, repeat this process at the end of the wav and test it out
Thank you.
So is this the only way, fading out the end and beginning?
Hmmm… I just tried that, and it still sounds pretty bad. Can I do anything with all those sound commands? like attachSound and stuff?
pleeease help. This is hindering further completion of my game
I’ll give ya a cookie
Just put a number like 9999 and let it there…
Unless the clip is really small and won’t be looped that many times… I wouldn’t worry about it…
I think there is a way to say… Okay… When this sound.stop restart the sound… That way it’ll just loop forever as well.
it would only accept numbers under 100, I already tried that
Try putting -1
They sometimes make this be the infinite loop number…
-1 wont work either…
if it is gonna be a loop the filesize couldn’t be that big… so you can make use of event sounds.
you need eventsounds to make it loop easely. here we go…
Ctrl+R > import your soundloop
create an empty frame on frame 1 > select > F7
put the soundloop in that frame (important to make it no bigger then one frame)
set the sound to ‘event’ > make it loop 9999
put a stop action in the frame so it won’t play further
and there is the infinite loop…
use the audiosettings to make it fade in .