Are mp3 files BAAD and loops

Since ive started flash ive noticed that whenever i use an mp3 in a loop it is a real crappy loop, stalling a few seconds before it starts. Is there anyway to fix this other then converting to wav file? Secondly i want to know if there is a way to do an infinit loop, right now my infinit loop is 9999 :slight_smile: , is there anyway to make it actually infinit? Not that its gonna matter i’d just like to know.

you’re right about the pause in mp3s… its a consequence of the compression. As for infinite looping, setting it to 9999 is pretty much it. You could technically play it as a movieclip and just play the movieclip and have it play looping which would never end and be infinite… :wink:

there’s another way to make it infinite … =)

mySound.onSoundComplete = function() {

good call :wink:

[size=1]…but wouldnt you use this.start() ?[/size]

I got this info from, and it’s the best way keep
a loop from “skipping” or pausing.

Simply convert it to a .wav. The original file size is going to be
very large, but believe me, if you set you audio options correctly, it works brilliantly. I took a 1.4mb .wav loop only 2.1 seconds, and got it down to 40k TOTAL!

this is the best way to loop, IMO. :slight_smile:

how do u use actionscript on the general scene?? All i can select is frames buttons graphics, but not the general actionscript

for general, a frame is where you put the code. Otherwise, you
have to select an object to apply the action.

What I do, is make seperate layer for only actionscript, and set my
keyframes where I need things to happen along the main
timeline, in those frames only.

originally posted by senocular
…but wouldn’t you use this.start() ?

:sigh: it works as i posted it but … yes :stuck_out_tongue:

where is the soundcomplete thing in the actionscript, i cant find

if you use a sound editing prog like cool edit you will notice that when you zoom in to the start/end of an imported mp3 loop there is a small “space”…

this is what causes the click / stall kinda thing…

it is better to cut out the bits you dont need and listen to the sound, once you are happy with the loop save as a wav…

import in2 flash and then use mp3 compression there…

you’ll have to play about with the options here to get the quality of sound that you want…

your loop will play no probs, with no pause or the annoying click sound that you hear with a bad loop…