INFO: Graphic/Web/Multimedia Business Start ups

Hey all.

This isn’t a con to get you all to give me money… although i do welcome Paypal Donations.:beam:

I was just trying to gather information, since im broke and cant afford a :tie:lawyer to tell me the stuff i already know… about starting this type (Graphic Design/Web and multimedia design) of business specifically in California but general info will do. If this type of post is not allowed on these forums, please delete this and I appologize for any inconvienience ahead of time. This wasn’t meant to piss anyone off.

I was wondering if people knew what Business structures were most appropriate for these types of businesses and what types of licenses are required.
From what I’ve gathered…**
It seems like an LLC would be best… but what do you guys think?
And as far as licenses… one would probably need/want a Ficticious Name Filing/DBA(Doing business As), Im more confused/cant find significant information about zoning and stuff like that. For instance I’ve read that if you work from home and you have a lanlord (such as in an Apartment) you have to file special forms… is this true?

Just curious, Im taking a class on Business Planning but so far they have not gone over anything on how to start, just plan a business. Also I didn’t where to pust such a question but I guess random fits a description.

If anyone has anything interesting they’ve come across please share.
And if anyone has been sippin’ on HaterAid… PLease dont Share.:thumb:

:hr: Cesar