Just finished this ink work today for the fourth episode of our online comic over at www.gutterflycomix.com Should get it colored in a day or so and I’ll post it to the site when I do. Lemme know what ya think and thanks for reading.
very nice image… the perspective looks a bit funny towards the top of the building, but i guess this is intentional as its for a comic.
may i ask how you did it?
I inked it digitally in Adobe Illustrator 9. I used to try and ink by hand with brush and pen but found that doing it digitally takes less time and is easier to correct. Thank you for the interest. Oh yeah, I used a mouse not a pen and tablet, but am currently looking for a tablet.
wow, a mouse. wait until u use a tablet. You’ll go nuts.
That’s tight! I like, no wait, I love it.
Thanks. Yeah I need to get a tablet, using a mouse tenses me up too much. And with a tablet I think I could increase my production speed too since it will be more natural.
they’re also way more accurate. Lean back, relax, work on a tablet. Wacom 9" are $ but awsome. Fit a full sheet under the transparency.
Im looking at a cheap knock off brand for $99 then I will work my way up when I got a bit more cash flow. I cant wait to get one though. Like you said, sit back and relax, that is what I am lacking so much of these days.
It looks good but it’s really not that interesting.
Thanks. It’s basically an establishing shot for a scene in my online comic. The interest will be in the words for the dialoge. But it works for what it is intended. Thanks again for the kind words on the looks though.