Input box Actionscript help needed

I am currently making my son a simple quiz game in flash 8, basically all i need it to do is recognize a word typed in to the input text box and jump to a frame (right answer) or if any other word is typed it jumps to a different frame (wrong answer) this is the code i am using i have used it before in MX with no problems but in 8 something isn’t right:

input box has variable name set to answer

on frame 1 of the layer with input box on i have the script

answer = “”;

to clear any text in box on frame load

i have a submit button next to input box with the code:

on (release, keyPress “<Enter>”) {
if (answer eq “cat” or answer eq “kitten”) {
gotoAndStop (“win”);

} else {
gotoAndStop (“lose”);

i have the “win” and “lose” frames flagged and set up correctly, the problem is i can type anything in to the box and it will just jump to the win frame.

also it would be greatly appreciated if anyone knows if it is at all possible to have the flashing text cursor automatically in the box when frame loads as i am having to click it to be able to type in to it, my son is only 5 and i want it to be as easy to use as possible.

please help and thanks :thumb: