Input Field? - Help please

I am a beginner in flash, using ActionScript 3 in Flash CS3.

I searched for hours, but could not find the answer I was looking for in AS3.

Here is the page I have created so far:

I want to add a “Join Our Mailing List” form on the left, where someone can enter their E-mail address and click the Go/Submit button.

In all HTML, here is an example of the code working:

Here is the code in HTML:

<form name=“ccoptin” action=“” target="_blank" method=“post” style=“margin-bottom:2;”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“m” value=“1101834378158”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“p” value=“oi”>
Email: <input type=“text” name=“ea” size=“20” value="" style=“font-size:10pt; border:1px solid #999999;”>
<input type=“submit” name=“go” value=“Go” class=“submit”>

Somebody please tell me, step by step, with as much detail and simplicity as possible, how to create this in flash.

Thank you!


Here you go. This should hopefully be self explanatory.

// Define the variables you want to send via POST
var urlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariables.m = 1101834378158;
urlVariables.p = oi;

// Create the URLRequest object, setting the method as POST and setting the data property.
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
url.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = urlVariables;

// URLLoader, you may need to setup a listener to check for a successful submit.
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
// The below line will need to be fired when the user clicks submit.

[QUOTE=Groady;2328917]Here you go. This should hopefully be self explanatory.

Thank you so much for the code, but it is not self explanatory enough for me. I’m not sure where EXACTLY to put it all to make it work. I’ve tried with no success.

It has taken me hours to figure out the following:

#1. I have created an input text box for visitors to be able to type in their E-mail address, and named the instance “email_txt”.

#2. I’ve imported a “Go” image, converted it to a “button” symbol, and named the instance “go_btn”.

#3. I’ve created a “Dynamic” text box, which is where I think I’m supposed to put the code, and I’ve titled the layer “actions” as a note for myself.

I’ve uploaded all of it for you to see here:

The timeline plays along, and then stops when the home page all comes together. Is that where I’m supposed to insert a keyframe on my “actions” layer and put some of the below code in the Actions panel? Which part of the code goes there?

How will the code know to do what it’s supposed to do when the “Go” button is clicked?

I’m so stumped.
