Hi, i have a fun problem. I made my movie, contact.swf, where ive added some Input Fields. Then i load it into menu.swf, but there your not able to write in the input fields. Take a look at it please, i really need help.
Thanks for trying, but taht didnt help. It is supposed to load the Gallery first, and then when you press the contact button, its going to contact. If you have problems finding the code on the buttons, they are in the menu symbol, on the “hitboxes”
Btw, you can maybe see the problem better on http://voursez.net/new/menu.html. Go to contact, and try writing in the input fields.
dynamic text fields/input fields do NOT appear when masked
unMask you mask
select the mask square
make it into a movieClip
give it an instance name of "maskMC"
add a layer above your old mask layer and insert a keyFrame (on frame 2)
add this code:
remove the keyFrame on the last frame of old mask layer "mask"
should be good