Input textfield max width? not maxChars

Hey people,

Im struggling with the textfield class. I have a contact form with name, email, enquiry but i am having trouble with the textfield width:

For example, i have a sprite.

var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
s.width = 200;
s.height = 20;

var tf:TextField = new TextField();
td.input = true;

The problem is i need the textfield to stay at the width of its parent sprite. You would think perhaps that setting a max character would be the way forward, and that is what i have, but its not good… i mean:


Yet they both contain 25 characters. So although it is maxed out it looks stupid.

textField.width is a read only property

textField.autosize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE seems totally pointless because if i cant set a width before setting the Autosize to false then it means i need to fill up the textfield with just enough " "'s then force the user to delete this before wititng.

Im not really the biggest user of textfield really as i am a hobbiest but this has got me shouting at anyone silly enough to visit me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Any help would be grand,
