hi. i am puzzled about something. i wan to publish a flash that will be able to fill the whole page. Is it that i will have to publish it at 1024 by 768 if i want to hav it viewed on a 1024 by 768 resolution computer?
or i will just need to stretch it in the publish setting by changing the dimemsions to percentage and then to 100%?
but then will not the flash quality be bad if u stretched it ?
if you wan t to publish it to the public with a full screen resolution, which one should i cater for? 700x600 or 1024x768?
most people use 1024 x 768, and i think its 800 x 600, if i’m not mistaken…?!
i think you shouldn’t make it a full screen for 1024x 768 because it will be pretty big, and you shouldn’t make percentage 100% either because some screens use like a really high resolution like 1200 x something i can’t remember so it will ber eally stretched and bad quality i guess…
another thing you have to consider is speed, full screen at that resolution, depending on whats moving on the screen can really slow down the player, even on the fastest of computers.