Make sure your “ab1” in the library is also linked for actionscript if it isnt already (select the clip ion the library and chose ‘linkage’ from the library menu - export to actionscript with an ID name that can just as well be (and is easiest as) its name “ab1”).
Once thats done, you use AttachMovie to actually get it into hole. This is done through the hole clip like so:
hole.attachMovie(ID name, new clip name, depth);
The ID name is the linkage name given to the clip from the library. The new clip name is the instance name that you will use to reference this clip once its been attached and put in hole, and the depth is a number representing its arrangement order on the screen. So if your button is in the same timeline as the hole clip (which I assume it is) you can use
I think I understand what you have here (I kinda figgerd it was attachmovie, the syntax was giving me fits, as usual), I’ll let you know how I do later on…
In some ways, Gen2 was a lot easier… plus it allowed me to use .png and .gif dynamically (that alone would save me over 8 hours work)…
But I digress, MX is here to stay, Gen2 is gone(-: