So if I buy a barebones kit with no OS installed, can I install Mac’s OS.X on it? I know mac’s use intel processors and nvidia / ati graphic cards…so what is stopping me from doing it?
Um…if I understand correctly this is illegal still. I’m surprised PhyStar is still in business. For one, you’d have to get a hacked copy of OSX anyway, and you’d have to a certain set-up…
I’m not trying to do anything illegal. What is really stopping me from installing Mac OS.X on a barebones kit? Does Apple say “this can only be installed on Apple products?”
Its right in the Apple eula lol. very clearly stated. It is pretty easy to install OSX on an intel nvidia machine though, def not rocket science.
It’s a pretty ridiculous restriction. So it’s legal to install it in VMware inside a Mac, but it’s illegal to install it in VMware inside Windows. Oh Apple you. And frankly I couldn’t give a loot since I’ve been… uh, nothing.
So will OS.X not work on an Intel machine with an ATI graphics card? If it were installed would it not work after a few weeks or something…would I have to uninstall windows?
What about linux?
^Eww… why would you own an ATI machine. It’s best not that speak of those kinds of things. I doubt there is much support for ATI card as apple specifically makes its OS for intel and nvidia.
I forget if you have to install it on a new partition or not.
What about linux? It works on just about everything.
Whats this non-sense of ATI not working on OSx my 17" MBP has a ATI Radeon so WTF you guys talking bout :h:
Just go here (link removed) and get all the info you need
WTF is up with the smileys ewwww
^yea I shouldn’t of written it so heavily that it wouldn’t work at all.
[whisper]I kind of dislike ATI cards because of their driver support for gamers. Its probably better now[/whisper]
I know Apple’s run ATI video cards =p
So can anyone confirm if you need to install OSX on a new partition?
You can’t install it. It won’t work. It is illegal.
But the other people said it will work, and it’s against Apple’s policy, not the law =p
Apple’s policy in this case is the law. And they are referring to a hacked version of OS X. Not the legit version.
You better be trying to make a Big Mac, or else this thread should be shut down.
Oh I know the rules, I was just wondering if it was possible or something commonly practiced. Currently I’m saving up for a Mac Pro but it’s going to cost 3.1k with shipping.
It’s not common practice…that’s why its against their EULA, and Against the law. However, I have no idea why Apple hasn’t shut down Phystar yet with their cheapo OSX computers…
Anyway, there’s entire websites/forums devoted to hacking OSX to run on regular PCs, they have even gotten them to work (for the most part)…try googling?
Ya I have, I just wanted feedback from you guys first. Since it’s illegal I doubt it’s something I’ll do.
Legality reasons aside, one reason you just can’t pop in a disk of OS X and install it on random components is that is uses EFI instead of a BIOS, and thus you won’t be able to install.