Bootcamp: Windows XP + Mac

It’s all over.

O wow, but I want it the other way. I want to run OSX on my PC:(

great idea, now everybody with a mac can enjoy Windows too :slight_smile:

this is my favorite part:):

Macs use an ultra-modern industry standard technology called EFI to handle booting. Sadly, Windows XP, and even the upcoming Vista, are stuck in the 1980s with old-fashioned BIOS. But with Boot Camp, the Mac can operate smoothly in both centuries

they can? :stuck_out_tongue: i think the main attraction to windows for mac users will be they can play thousands of games :smiley:

Yeah that’s the only reason i’d install Windows on my Mac, just for games.

Pretty cool tho…

I agree…only a fool buys a mac then puts windows on it, whats the point of that?? they just paid a high price of a system they could of got for a lot less, the main attraction of a mac is its operating system then its good looks.

Makes sense for Apple to embrace the dual boot though, but I doubt any users will make Windows their primary OS because mac users love mac software.

Well I spose now all the mac users with those beefy graphic cards in the new systems will be happy :slight_smile:

When Vista comes out I’m sure a lot of Mac users will see sense anyway and migrate to Vista :slight_smile: lol :slight_smile:

p.s. I like the fact Apple are now providing windows drivers too.

Now why would you want to do a stupid thing like that? Just get a Mac! :party:

Before, the only reason I’d ever buy a Mac was for its asthetics, but the new MacbookPros with Intel Duo and Radeon X1600 along with Windows is very tempting. But then…$3k can be spent on a very beefy desktop.

Because I’d want better hardware. :stuck_out_tongue:

Woot. :slight_smile:

yeh apple have hit this one out of the ballpark

This is gonna make Apple rich. Especially if they make it more than just a dual boot. :wink:

i don’t know how much this will actually change things, mainly because neither company will really support it. so when you f up a partition and can’t boot into one of the OS’s, who’s the average user going to get help from? they just paid $2500 for a machine and now it’s hosed. and the people who would be willing to risk it all because don’t really use macs b/c it’s so gui based. just my 2 cents.

Err… if you can’t boot into it, it’s Apple’s problem. Plus, they have a firmware restore disc that will reset the entire computer no matter what you’ve done. :slight_smile:


Cool!!! lots of new games for mac users :smiley:

Now they need linux and they will be set.

who need linux?

we have linux, like yellowDog and Ubuntu :puzzle:
what do you mean?

They already do. The distro is Mac OS X. :wink: