pls teach how to make an interactive portfolio… just a simple one… with all the links and the audio… how do i link a button to a bitmap? a button to an audio? a button to a certain screen? what’s right, putting each bitmap link to different screens or to different layers? i mean, for example i got 3 pictures to link… do i post it to just one screen then 3 different layers or 3 different screens… meaning 1 picture per screen? tnx… i really need your help guys… i’m so new to flash… thank you!:q: i’m so clueless… i need to present my own interactive portfolio in my class…:*(
Check the full site tutorial, the one on sounds, on loading external movies…
u really shud spend lot of time on the tutorials, to have someone to teach u or go get a book to read since u r a newbie…