Interesting naviagation

Take a look at this:

definitely interesting naviagation if you ask me. Anyone ever see a tutorial on this, or know how to pull this off?

P :slight_smile:

theres probably something right here on kirupa that could help you :beam:

Yes… there is actually. Check the tutorials.

OK, call me crazy, but I cannot seem to find it. Give me a hint, what section is it in?


I cant tell you where the tut is but I can tell you how its done.

it uses the basic easing scheme to move a picture movieclip in the background to a certain position each time a button is clicked. Then, mostlikely through a timer of some sort, theres a pause until the content is brought up. But thats no big thing.

the sliding of the background is:

// on the image movieclip ('background')
// flash 5 compatible
	targ_x = _x;
	targ_y = _y;
	_x += (targ_x -_x)/10;
	_y += (targ_y -_y)/10;

and what this does is sets a ‘target’ position (targ_x, targ_y) for the clip to ease to every frame. So to make the clip move to a new location, just change targ_x and/or targ_y…

// on a button
	background.targ_x = 300;
	background.targ_y = 50;
	contentBox.gotoAndPlay("section 1");

and then the background clip (with the image) will move to that position, changing its position in the back-ground. contentBox can just be a movieclip. This would be a simple example of preceding frames where you have one movieclip with all your content boxes in them but whos lables (“section 1”) are like 50 empty frames before the actual box itself so you get a pause before it shows.

Again thats a simple way to achieve that but certainly not the only

that navigation was pretty cool! photography rocks!

That worked great SENOCULAR, thanks!

Although with the image being the way it is, the navigation crawls, even when I bring the image into Flash really low res. Any idea on how to speed it up? Maybe some kind of swapDepth, or separate swf’s? I tried breaking the iamge up, but it didn’t help.

P :slight_smile: