Interface sorta finished

Heres my basic interface.

I like it cause i’m abit :crazy: .

I was just wondered if anyone else liked it beside me i am willing for suggestions :smiley: i have posted the.fla and the .swf if you want the .psd to help me it’s all yours ;).

When it’s done it will have lil spinny thingss with the menu and sound player and stuff on it. It’s all in the head boys :D.

Um…isn’t it a bit small? Where is your content going go be? How is it going to fit?

its a bit small, but the quality is horrible. the image looks really pixelated.

thats because it stretches to your browser…

i know, but if it goes small enough so it wont be blury, then it’ll be tiny.

Looks really blurry, and the words seem to just be sitting ontop of an image that appears to have taken much longer to create.

The Small Issue Will Be Sorted Out. I am Having Other InterFace Content.

i.e. theres these 2 panels for all the website content at the sides.

But how do i solve this pixelated problem it has taken me ages to do and i am really annoyed. I have really tried with this one. I have saved it in high quality jpeg in adobe and then imported into flash. Is that the wrong thing to do :(.

Right I have Sorted It Out If I get a FeedBack That the Actual Shape and Design Is Good I will take time to make a larger one that will fit all of my needs and be good quality. But do you guys recomend doing this is the interface good enough?

Well you can adjust your pixelation in flash - or try to import it as a .png. The way you can do it in flash would be to adjust your preferences for low-quality or whatever quality the image will look. There is another way but I’m lazy right now…but that’s a good start. So is it saved in flash as a .jpg?

i made a new 800x600 one whch is a better shape and more freaky goth metal i’ll edit it abit today and post it later :).

a website is to see information. im not sure where your information will go. nice start but your should consider that issue