right am havin some problems am see all these nice, hi tech interfaces all over the net now on websites (like the ones below).
now am guessin that they were created in photoshop? so i’ve built one of 2 of my own but when i set it up in flash, put my options in etc etc the damm thing takes 5 years to even load on the web (with boardband), as were these sites are more detailed than mine and they only take a couple of secs to load.
1). wot am i doin wrong??
2). are these interfaces done in photoshop or is it done in flash??
3). wot should i be saving my interface images as??
4). I also see these 45 degress lines, are the done in photoshop or flash??
if it is photoshop the what should you save them as? .png takes up loads of file size?
5). Even photos, I see alot of them on the web and they dont look like they have been compressed at all. how they doin that?
6). Last question, @ wot size should I be creating my flash sites?
sorry about all the questions but I need help or tutorials, anything. am a new kid on the block (and you know they are out of date) so u can see where am coming from.
the 45 degree lines are called “scanlines” they are just 45degrees instead of horizontal or vertical scanlines, search these forums and the web for that effect, it is quite common and easy to do.
as far as your images, they should be saved as jpg or png depending on what is going on…for the most part .jpg
in photoshop when you save, you want to select “save for web” and save it from there altering the quality on the image - in flash you can usually get away with about 60% quality if your users wont be spending too much time looking at the image.
play around the with the settings, notice the file sizes, and then find the setting that best works for you.
also once in side flash when you export the movie to test, select about 80% you will notice a huge file size difference.
also what kind of interface effects and stuff are you trying in flash?
perhaps if we could see some of what you have so far, it would help better.
well at the mo, am just tryin new things and effects in flash. I like all the new stuff thats goin around which I think are done in after effects, thats the sort of level i want to get 2 but dont have a clue on how to get there.
now on the main interface am guessin its all done in photoshop,
the screens on the left look 3D 2 me but if it is hows that add within the inteface?? e.g is it a avi or series of jpg?
how are the buttons effects done?
these are the things am tryin to do in flash. + i think i know how to get that effect in the top left hand corner (under the glass orb) but then if i create that in after effects how do i the get it back into flash??
use the search function, many just like you have wanted to know the secrets of after effects hehe - it’s all there - tutorials on how to do it, step by steps on how to import it into flash, etc.