Internal DNS issues

Have a client whose intranet domain is the same as their website url. They can only see their external website when there is a www in the url (e.g. as their intranet url is (no www).

We recently added a CNAME record of info ( for their Hubspot landing pages, but they cannot see any of these url’s internally because it does not start with the www.

Any ideas? It sounds like an internal IT issue for them from what I understand.

Yeah, it sounds like they need to whitelist the “info” subdomain like they did “www”.

I’m not a DNS expert, though.

Sounds like an internal IT issues as well. There are a bunch of server configuration issues at play here, and it depends on what server stack the client is using. For this site, for example, there would be a folder called “info” at at the httpdocs/subdmains/ level with all the files and folders that go with it :smile: