Hey itworks, good to see you here too!
Well the site looks clean and neat to me. Agree on what you said earlier about the simplicity of a award giving site. iFrame is a good thing about making html sites but having Flash over an HTML site is a lot better. As its better when considerd over technology. No ones gonna be making html sites in the near future IMO. Get some clean transitions and bet ya the site will looks a lot better than what it is now.
just want to say that i really like the site
nice colors, nice layout, nice everything
if it was your goal to create simple, clean site (like you said)
you really did a great job.
just because you are using flash to “create” the site doesn’t mean you have to use all kinds of “flashy” effects and stuff
sometimes “less” can be “more” (or some like that )
I’ve always liked it. Very clean and fast loading with good SFX.
However, the intro doesn’t really add anything, so I think you should either spice it up or just get rid of it (I skip it every time).
MrMass: yes i guess i’ll spice it up, i like having an intro in the site, BTW what do your mean with “sign f is a bit choppy, I dont think u need it!” **
its because intro is fast and u can even figure it out what is that F see I place that F on my site too, saying that its made with pure flash but in this case its part of the design that is static…ur call
OK WELL i just figure it out its in html so u want user to get flash if they dont have it! Doh mass… if u wanna live it make that font more soften or in curves…take originall small red one from macromedia site and maybe chrome it
Dude i tell you what, behind the text which appears in your intro, just have some horizontal fast moving streaks. Thats about it, it’ll look a lot corporate and to the vibe.
*Originally posted by itworks *
**MrMass: that F is for downloading the flash plugin and you’re right it looks choppy i have a better one somewhere else that i’ll use, thanks.
P3RPL3XITY: thanks for the suggestion, i’ll take that in consideration while redesigning the site for the next month awards.
Polkiousness: i was just kidding, lol **
And please get rid of the black in your footer, it looks awful. CHange it to white. Thats if you even care:) Just my thoughts though!
i think that the black footer it’s more attractive at least with the default color scheme of this forum, the purpose is for people to notice it even if it’s because it looks bad, lol
but i changed it, i’ll use the white one for a while since you seem so angry about it, i don’t want to upset noone.