Internet tiny awards

some suggestions and comments would be great.

[SIZE=1]you can also submit[/SIZE] :slight_smile:

The layout is pretty simple and clean, but it could of been easily created with plain HTML with the use of iframes. Other than the intro, there isn’t much in the rest of the layout that took advantage of what flash is capable of.

thanks for the reply!

yes the simple/clean look was our goal because we feel an awards site must be neutral.

yes that could have been made just in html but when i’m asked why flash for this? i reply “why html?”, why having a new page loading the whole thing everytime a link is clicked? also this site was a lot easier to make using flash then html and in my opinion you don’t have to make a flashy site just because you use flash, flash is a developer tool just others and you can choose either to use it for making something flashy or simple it’s your choice according to each site’s purpose. don’t you agree?

I agree that a flash site doesn’t have to be flashy, but to me it would of been easier to use HTML. You can have one iframe setup to load all the content in and it wouldn’t require that you load the entire page each time a link is clicked. It will only load the content into the iframe.

Well either way it doesn’t really matter, there are more than one way to do things.

the iframe was an option but i think everyone must use whatever tool he’s more confortable with and flash is easier to me and i think it’s the best option for this site, has you said there’s always more than one way to do things :wink:

anymore comments, suggestions?

Well you can still maintain the simplicity of the site and still add a bit of flashy effects by creating some kind of transition effect between each section so that it’s a bit more interesting.

It doesn’t have to be anything too dramatic, it could just be a simple fade in and fade out effect.

nice suggestion, thanks! i’ll take that in consideration when i redesign it for next month because of the new site of the week award.

Its nice and simple. But i don’t like the intro its boring slow and meaningless.

yes the intro can be a little boring that’s why i’ve put a SKIP INTRO, thanks for the comments.


*Originally posted by aku *
**iframe??? **


yeah but what is that, like when u split the page or parent vrs child frmaes???

im asking because im a bit familiar with dweaver and i use freames and if its a type of frame that im not aware of then id like to use it, or i may be already using unknowingly

is it like the frame i have seperating the top from the bottom???

yeap keep it nice and simple…made me wanna submit mrmass…I mean that’s what’s all about! right :stuck_out_tongue:

screw html…keep it flash…

Inlineframes are frames that has the appearance of depth. You can see an example of it at this link, scroll down about half way.

*Originally posted by MrMass *
**screw html…keep it flash… **

my opinion too:)

anyway about the site structure/content, what do you think it could be added ar changed ?

there’s a redesign coming for nex month so i thought maybe i could use some more suggestions from you people.

thanks in advance !

yeah, screw html, flash is so much easier and much more fun to use!

better flashing news header :slight_smile: maybe a nice animated samples of the awards so people can be… hey cool I like that one…I wanna win this one! I would add a nav to the upper right side…I know that u will do redesign so not really sure that these comments will help…let me do a litlle resource, and I’ll get back to u!

Itworks put back your white banner :wink: back I liked it more than the actual black one + those colors are not matching up , just a suggestion.

Site is ok dont think it needs any enhancement for its purpose. keep it up.


Hey man, your site looks good to me, very clean and relaxing color themes, and award sites does not have to be flashy at all, one example is FWA right! keep up the good work man!!! Ciao

Sherwin Magsino

thanks a lot for your comments.

MrMass - usually, where the flashing news are now, we have the awards and a little text about them, now they’re not there because of those news which will be gone soon.

EDE - well i only changed the banner to black because i’m seeing this forum with the default style and i think the white banner doesn’t stand out do i changed to a black, but maybe i’ll change it sometime soon to another color.

sherwinM - yes, my opinion also, flash is just a tool that you can use to make sites, just like plain html, you decide which to use and what kind of site to make.