
Hey Edwin, everyone,
A few weeks you and others mentioned the idea of having a section where we interview famous designers. So, who shall be the first one we ask?

Kirupa :bandit:

ME! :beam:

I dunno why… but ME! =)

hehe… j/k… :stuck_out_tongue:

as long as we don’t interview anyone from 2A… it’d have to about ripping off sites then… :sure:

Actually, why don’t we simply ask the guys from 2A what they feel about others ripping off their designs? We shouldn’t shy away from asking those questions - I want it to be something more than the usual, happy-face interviews other sites have =)

Yeah… :beam:

my idea =) hehehe…

Yeah, we should ask the questions others are afraid to ask.

Like… “Do you really think your Job Requirements are fair?” :stuck_out_tongue:

As quoted from Bit-101 (Keith Peters)

Position: Web Developer

At 2Advanced Studios, we have made it our mission to consistently challenge the ordinary. We’re seeking to grow our small team with the addition of an experienced Web Developer who, with superior technical training and comprehensive knowledge of multiple programming languages, will be primarily responsible for developing client solutions from conception to delivery.

Skillset Required:

We are seeking an individual with exception programming skills in Macromedia Flash MX (ActionScripting), Microsoft Visual Studio (C#, C++ and Visual Basic), PHP, Java, Javascript, Macromedia ColdFusion, Perl, and MivaScript. Experience with the following advanced web technologies is critical; JSP, EJB, JDBC, SOAP, WAP, SGML, XML, XSL/XSLT, CSS, DHTML and WML. Database design and normalization for the web with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 9i, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Borland InterBase is a must. Position also requires a minimum of a BS or BA in a related field or equivalent industry work experience. HTML, with Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe PhotoShop, Erain Swift3D, Macromedia Flash MX, Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand is a must. Candidate must meet ALL of the above criteria for consideration. Salary commensurate depending upon experience. Please submit your resume by e-mail ONLY to [email protected]. NO CALLS PLEASE.

Those are the requirements to work for 2A.

I especially love this part…

Candidate must meet ALL of the above criteria for consideration

What other question should we ask them?

Kirupa :cool:

darn it. I have all of those, but I’ve been called to be an angel in heaven, and I cannot pass that up. Oh well.

hey lost:

at least they prob pay more than the $12/hr that Academy of Art in SF wants to pay…


Ok, I’ll post up my list of questions, and then you all can decide which ones can be added/removed/modified, etc.

Kirupa =)

u can interview ME? i have lots of crap to talk. As far as the whole art and flash thing goes. But its better i launch my site first then u interview me :slight_smile: it’ll be at least another month till then lol

Def - after you launch your site, we’ll get an interview of you up!:tb:

We should use pixel edwin in the interview …lol

how bout we make these interviews in flash! like little pixel people animations or something. if you can interview in person it would be cool to do the movie in vectors.

We should get a team to put something like that together. I need to get a project going just so that I stay in Flash and have some free time this week since my trip to Cancun was cancelled because of the war so I might be going to Rocky Point from Friday to Sunday, but I am sure I could work something in while at work because I have soo much free time at work and I always waste it on Deviant Art or spamming random.

What you guys (and girls) think?

Sounds cool to me. :slight_smile:

Personally, I also think you should interview some people on the other side of the Atlantic, like… Ooo, I don’t know… Me? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the 2A idea is a very good one, after all, it’s probably one of the most well known Flash sites ever. Even I’ve heard of it. :slight_smile: I suppose there’s all the standard questions, like “Where do you get your ideas from?”, that kind of thing. Definitely how they fel about getting copied so much. And I’d like to know how they’re going to top what they’ve got now. :slight_smile:

I love that job description though. I really do. I guess it’s their way of making sure they only get the best of the best. I don’t have all of them by a long shot, but I’d be tempted to apply anyway and say “You couldn’t live without me, I’m fantastic”. You know, show a bit of English attitude. :beam:

you know what, i just thought of something…

it is possible that we can get actual one on one interviews. i mean the mods are spread out across the US and Europe right? so say we wanted to interview someone from 2A, we send either vts or EG to their locale.

what do you say?

yeah,…or both :slight_smile:

I just e-mailed 2Advanced and Hillman Curtis Designs; I didn’t write any questions in their e-mail. I just asked if it would be possible for me to interview them - if they accept, then I’ll write up the questions with the input featured here.

Also, do you all have any other names that you want to consider seeing interviewed?

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

From a design / usability point of view, then I have thought about Jakob Neilsen. He’s written books and all that as well as a paper that’s called “Flash: 99% bad”. I thought it might be good to have another viewpoint.

The only concern there is that I suspect he’d probably charge us for an interview… :frowning:

what bout that math guy… PENNER