Ok, I have gotten really close.
I have a MC that has 3 btn in it and have 2 out of 3 btns working. The 2 that are working are simple “Get URL” and “fscmmd Exit” scripts. These are working inside a MC that the MC has “on rollover/out” invisible btns act like hits areas. These onced rolled over makes the MC jump to certian frames for the tab to open and close.
The 3rd button I want it to go to another scene in the project. I think the 3rd button, which I put an:
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay(“home”, 1);
doesn’t seem to work cause I think it is interfering with the action for the Invisible hit area to make the MC jump to framex. How can I get the hit areas to play nice with each other? So, when the button will work with the rollover areas.
I read somewhere about turning visibility off for instances. Will that work in the 3rd button code have a code to disable the action for a MC instance underneath it? So the button will have its action ready to be applied?