I purchased a 4GB mini today and love it so far. I have a few questions though regarding it.
When I first installed it and connected it to my computer it reformated the mini and at the end told me to eject it. I didn’t know how to eject it since I was never told so I unplugged the USB cord from the mini out even though it said do not disconnect on the mini. Is that a problem, would that have caused any damage?
My last question is when I update songs from my playlists to my mini or when I first connect to the mini when I click on iTunes. I have my headphones in and hear a little beep when I do one of the following. It’s not like the beep while navigating through the menu, but when I update the playlists it says do not disconnect, then after that when it shows the menu again it makes a little beep sound. Is that normal?