Iraq Attack - Attack Iraq Tragically phunny


up the voltage…


next time you see your “Doctor,”

get him to up your doseage, as well…


I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the little green guy in my footer, yet…


i was trying to look at the little green guy but hes too darn quick…w000t new smilies! <:} :evil: :bad: (-:

he has to keep moving…

no need for an autopsy…



Can you test something for me?

<a href=“”> dynamic autowrap builder </a>

I’d like to know how it reacts to a dial-up when you upload your own photos…

It shouldn’t be too big of a file for you…



[SIZE=1]:: I understand your reluctance to little green guys… still wearing asbestos underware? ::[/SIZE]

Rev: Thats pretty cool! I’m not on dial-up, but I still tested it out. You made that? its awesome!


Thanks, yup, me & my brother…

there is a guy from Beruit, Lebanon asking us about one for him…

This one is done in Flash 4 to get the best coverage without a new download, with Generator2 to make it dynamic, and ASP to hook it into an Access db…

We just added the cargo van, and the box van…

The first car was fun… the last 4 were a pain…



thanks for testing it out. I’m real happy it worked well for you. I haven’t heard from the client yet…

This was built by just the dosmentes crew (my brother and I)…

We also do this: <a href="> cookie cutter websites </a> just to make a few bucks…

thanks for the compliments, they mean a lot from you guys,


Thanks Phil:

play all you want…

there is a print out option after you enter your info (tricky, huh?).

if you go to, then go into any section, a “wrap options” link is avail. on the left. This is the next step… we will have flames, NASCAR, NBA, etc. avail. for online viewing…

Thanks again,


after you enter your info, click on "autowrap it…

the next screen gives you the option to email your results to a friend or colleague…

You can also do a screen capture (ALT PrintScreen) to copy to your clipboard, then paste into any image editor.


I am convinced that you are obsessed with bush

just out of curiosity… phil, did you make those GIF’s ?

no he doesnt, i dont think. he visits SO many political sites that its no wonder he has them.

Why didnt Bush Sr. knock off insane when he had the chance?