Count your Blessings




At least we know at what limit you can be boughtā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

seriously thoā€¦ Iā€™d take it too 8] :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:


So you are a professional spy now eh Phil?

I agree with Revā€¦

NARCā€¦LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you get any nifty gadgets, narc?

[SIZE=1]::sounding like Jethro Bodine::[/SIZE]

Youā€™re a double Naught Spy! :elderly:

You know, like naught-naught-sevenā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

What I wanna knowā€¦

Are you converting the Philmobile? How about bullet proofing?


watch out for the ejector seatā€¦



Donā€™t mind me :o


Donā€™t forget the oil slick thingy off the backā€¦ might come in handyā€¦ =)

Forgot to askā€¦ [edit] I reread your post, and no they donā€™t know they are being followed[/edit] How far back do you have to be? What if they go thru an orange lite?

Ooooh, donā€™t forget to put Grannyā€™s Rumatiz medicine in the gastank for that extra get up and goā€¦



No, here is the real questionā€¦

Why do you have to follow these people?

Well at least you get to listen to ā€œconspiracy radioā€ all day while playing ā€œIā€™m not following youā€ and making a wad oā€™ cashā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


We want a ā€œphilcamā€


we want to watch you go thru your dayā€¦


[SIZE=1]:::lost has insomnia sometimes, you know:::[/SIZE]


lolā€¦ sometimes is an understatement :stuck_out_tongue:

Phil is ā€œWhitingā€ as in Whiting IN? I just ask because thatā€™s where my family is from, and there is a lot of paper production going on in that town.

That brief case sounds like it was a fun asignmentā€¦ even if you didnā€™t get to see what was inside. Probebly an industrial patent. I once had to buy a plane ticket for a piece of paper. Thatā€™s right, my company spent 700 dollars to send a piece of paper round trip, to China. It was some sort of corporate deal that had to be signed by people out there. Each day it was left unsigned, we were losing 145k dollars. (almost got to be the guy carrying the paper but I guess they thought it was too imporant a job for a mailroom manager. Ah well) I love when weird asignments come up like that.

reverendflashā€¦ I find your Barbara Streisand footer disturbing! It is keeping me up at night! AAAAAAAaAAYyyyyeyeeeeeeeeee!

he just always say "Be Patient"


lolā€¦ you know, Iā€™m kind of glad that Iā€™m not the only one who is disturbed by that pic. Hurry manā€¦ my mind is breaking.

Barbra Streissand??
Hope youā€™re joking, everyone knows thats none other than Holly!

I would never subject you nice people to ā€œBabsā€

Holly rules! :stuck_out_tongue:


since ur now available, i would like u to:



  • [SIZE=1]just i would like to know if ur a female[/SIZE] * :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah sure iā€™ll carry this briefcase accross country, gaurding it with my life, and never letting it out of my graspā€¦ wait, what is that ticking noiseā€¦ and then, BOOM!

Your samsonite detonates and spreads your innards accross the parking lot. Sounds like a good way to terminate an employee; the old, ā€˜hold on to the briefcaseā€™ gag. Donā€™t fall for it. Iā€™ve been killed/fired twice in the manner already, and let me tell you, itā€™s not fun. :slight_smile:

Sheer talent. I split my soul into ten pieces, and then each piece inhabits the fingers and thumbs of a local computer nerd. Haha, he is forced to type what i chooseā€¦ wait, whats he you doing with that hacksaw? stop, aaaargggghhhhh

kinda like me after reading info on your siteā€¦