Is it just me? Or did swf's stop running at full speed on the internet?

I’ve realized this way more than a year ago when FMX04 first came out - is it just me or is it that lots and lots of websites online are really choppy? Even my own! They play very smooth in the standalone player but horrible when swfobject’ed into an html page.

How do sites like and get past this little devil and get their flash back to good speeds?


Well browsers have limits to the amount of frames they will actually render its somewhere at 30 for the most part. Flash Player 9 & 10 have a bunch of little optimizations if you code right.

Its probably just bad coding practice. Look into the tween classes they tend to optimize pretty nicely. Also remember that a lot of alpha and or blurs are bad.

Nothing really special about the two sites you linked other than they are coded very nicely (and highly dynamic).

When do you find these stuttering (may actually be your computer). Does this happen with Flash Player 10 Beta 2?

My code cant be that bad! All I ever do is variables and movieclip control. I also use tweens on the stage with easing and stuff because I don’t know how to do it with AS.

One of my swf’s is 287KB, I load movies inside this swf that make use of onEnterFrames a lot. Because I don’t know any alternative to onEnterFrame (and I suck at programming). onEnterFrame is cool for me because it runs code a lot til I get my desired effect. Il use onEnterFrame to create fade ins/outs, motion from one spot to another, variable testing etc. etc.

P.S. I can’t do FP10, doesnt work here. I’m also using IE for now (putting FF on hold til later).

… Reef buddy I think you might of figured out why all by yourself. :expressionless:

AS3 is so easy you just have to take a week or two and really dive into it… or at least look into the tween classes… it works like almost every other programming language ever made (minus minor syntax things) so its a good idea to learn the basics.

I know if you put the time into it you will see amazing results in your sites :fab:

Will AS3 really help me? Like I said, I suck! at programming. I have AS3 but deactivated it because I got errors when trying to declare a variable cry.

On another note, I’d use other alternatives to onEnterFrame but I don’t know any. I don’t know of any other code on the AS index that waits for things to happen. See, with onEnterFrame, I can tell my movie to wait for a variable to reach a number or wait until a movieclips alpha hits 100. I use about 20-40 of these per website. Funny thing is, when I first started building the current website Im working on, everything went super smooth until I started putting onEnterFrames in. Also, I’m trying to ease in a big image, so I chose 100 ease and it bogged the site down like crazy! Decreasing ease to 0 returns -everything- to 100% speed. But I need easing, badly.

I need to be spoonfed for programming and I refuse to hire somebody. I’ll master this bizznatch, one day!

PS. I sound like I dont try - not true. I do try! I think event handlers are something that might be useful to me. Still, no matter how many technotes and docs and tutorials I read everything flies by like a programmer trying to design (no offense to any programmers lol, i idolize you guys).

AS3 is a LOT more optimized. You’ll see like 5x the performance with things like code tweens, it’s pretty amazing. Upgrade. :-/