Eliminate "Choppiness" MX04


I move everything on the stage using either the tween / ease classes:

import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import mx.transitions.Tween;

or the straight up += call :

_x += (((Stage.width / 2) - 445)-_x)/2

If you checked out my site on an older graphics card or processor it’s probably got some “choppy” tweening going on… Does anyone have any tips or recommendations for eliminating it (besides switching around the frame rate and whatnot)

Thanks in advance.

umm… it’s looks great to me.? Normally I’m all about helping with this kind of stuff, but what you have here seems completely acceptable. I’d hate to use these words but:

You cant save the world.

I see the same thing on my machine - Nice and smooth. But some friends have been saying that it “chugs along”. I got the file size down to 14k and use ALL actionscript but still they persist LOL

Thanks for checking.

well, AS doesn’t really speed the site up, it speeds the download up. Having everything done with Actionscript causes the users computer to compile it. You kinda have to find the ahppy medium between traditional flash and AS driven flash.

It’s kind of hard because I’m parsing a dynamic xml document from my server, duplicating the mc and filling it with info. It’s not a static MC full of clips I can play with.

I know, I see where your coming from. I’m not sure what to suggest though, you’ve taken care of just about everything. Maybe post yer code and we’ll tear it apart and find more efficient ways to deal with it.

I’ll do that when I get back to the source file (home office) - thanks for your input.