Is it possible to disable the flash menu?

Ok, so I’m making this game…

(same one I’ve been making since I first started posting here…)

Anyways you know that flash menu, where you right click to select quality, zoom in/out, forward backward, etc?

Well my game is frame based, and doing certain things in certain frames will allow access to other frames. But if you right click and hit forward, you can skip through the whole game. It sucks. But I’ve seen several movies where this menu was disabled… Is it possible to just disable the forward and back functions? Or the menu entirely?

See the thing is I still want people to be able to select quality. So if the whole menu has to be disabled, I can put quality select to the q button or something.

as usual, all help appreciated.

If you’re using that game inside the webpage, html, then you can use code: <embed src=“moviename.swf” menu=false>, you can also add other stuff to that…but if its just flash window, then I dont know, I saw it somewhere that you can change it in script code, but dont know where…

Well it’s gonna be on Newgrounds…and as far as I know I can’t do anything to alter their webpages

Try using this: fscommand(“showmenu”, “false”);

I put this script on the first frame of the main timeline.

In your publish settings (File/Publish Settings) there is an option called “Show Menu” Make sure that checkbox isn’t selected.

The menu will still show up, but it will not have the forward or back stuff in it, it will just have the Settings (for like cookies and stuff or whatever) and the “About Macromedia” link.

That might have been answered by DiMa in the flash movie posted, but it isn’t loading now, so I have no clue.

once again, thank you!

beta you seem to be the expert on everything here… between you and pom I just don’t know…

Expert: No way!!! I am still novice, but I try my best. Ilyas, Senocular, Sbeener, etc, all of them can kick my butt in anything in Flash.

Crap I just thought of something… the disable of the menu in pusblish settings works great, but it’s under the HTML settings. When submitting to NG all you give them is them is the .swf, which means my html setting will be ignored. I emailed them and asked if there was a way around this and am currently waiting for a response. If this is not an option, can anyone verify that the code that Satyricon posted works?

edit: I just tried it and it didn’t seem to work

Although I believe fscommand is only for the standalone player, did you try Satyricons method?

yep, that’s still a big nega-tivo


sorry, I just want to make absolute sure there’s no other way around it

ok, what I meant was that you can ask those people who own the website where you put the game to change html code, I dont know why it didnt show up above, anyways, I’ll try again: embed src=“yourgame.swf” menu=false …that’s it, and of course you have to put those tags <> before and after, maybe that’s why it didnt show up in my first reply, because I typed the actual html code…peace…

ok thanks=)