Is it possible to pull images dynamically from the Library?

Is it possible to pull images dynamically from the Library - with a string value containing the name of the class?

Something like :
[AS]var bmpd:BitmapData = new [“BitmapFromLibrary”]( 500, 350 );[/AS]

I have a bunch of bitmaps in my library that needs to get pulled out of it as described in an xml file.

I tried something like this, but it doesn’t work.
TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

var imglist:XMLList = timeline.chapter[active].imgs.img;
for each ( var el:XML in imglist )
trace( el.valueOf() );
var val:BitmapData = new [ el.valueOf() ]( 642, 400);
var img:Bitmap = new Bitmap( val );

Or should I first fill an object/array with a string identifier and the bitmapdata value.

I remember something like this was possible in AS2? [ “myclass” ]; :h: