Hi there! I’m very new to programming but found the Kirupa tutorial on using localStorage very easy to follow and it is helping me with an app I’m developing.
My scenario is this: I have a very small array in my js file. When the page loads up, I have a function that loops through the array, and generates an li element for each item in the array, displaying it’s name and price in the li. The array is constructed like this:
var gameList = [
{ name: “”, value: 0.00},
Secondly, I have a simple form on the page that allows me to add new items to the array, and using localStorage, it’s now possible for me to keep a dynamically updated array. I push items into the array (gameList), then at the end of the session I set it using localStoarge. I have a couple of lines at the start of my code that sets gameList to be equal to the locally stored, updated game list.
var retrievedData = localStorage.getItem(“updatedGameList”);
gameList = JSON.parse(retrievedData);
So this is fine for now, but the growing array - which I want to keep and maintain - is only available on this machine.
So, my question is, can I send this locally stored data somewhere? Maybe my personal domain? That way I could then reference it properly in my js file so that the data is always available? Maybe the array could have it’s own js file?
I realise that this may not be the best way to be handling what is essentially a database. But I’m only part way through an online course and I’m using the tools that I have to make this work.
And lastly, in terms of maintenance of the array, is there any way to send it back to sublime in the form a .js file? I know this could be a crazy question. The updated array will become pretty big, maybe 200 items eventually, and it would be much easier to maintain from within sublime.
Thanks for your time, and apologies if these questions are ridiculous!!