It seems I have seen this dude x.periment cruising around and he fits Jnicklo’s M.O. Is he back in?
He shoudn’t be. If his IPs match, I’ll ban this new account also
EDIT: Are you refering to xperiment_22? His IP is from Canada. Jnicklo’s IP is from Florida. xperiment_22 may not be the same person. I couldn’t find a user with just x.periment.
yea…I was jus speculating. He has the same posting style. No biggie, sorry for the alarm.
Anyone notice this guy’s title? get rid of it?
i dont find it offensive. Then again I am not a person of Jewish Decent. It is almost like giving props to himself if he is indeed a Jewish person.
Same here - unless someone finds his avatar/title offensive, i think it should stay. Rather good pun - but if someone says anything - i think it should go
Mountain Jew
I’m rather liking DDD’s title. Very good, I appreciate that kind of humour.
Mainly because I had one ahmed of a night last night… :beam:
haha, im hoping that’s a good thing
Is that an ahmed in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
hehe kit was your ahmed of a night involving your boss?