Is this a Bug?!

Hello there,

Not sure if its a bug…

Can anyone tell me why after i create a preloader without “Nothing!” inside the stage , i check on the bandwith (on test movie) and the 1 frame on the preloader is way above the RED LINE!! like 71kb ??
If i put something on the first frame (square or circle), same thing happens.
What this makes is the 1 frame of the preloader has to load until starts the preloader( this is ****ing wrong!!), its not supposed to work this way.

Not sure if its a bug…
Never happen until now…


Check the main movie. You might be using components which are set by default to export on the first frame. This means that they’ll load before anything else in the movie (including your preloader). You can uncheck the “export in first frame” box by right clicking on the component in the library and selecting “linkage”.

Let us know if you are using components…

yeah, you may have nothing on the stage, but if you have a component in the library (or anything else set to export to first frame in the linkage property) it will do this.

The scrollbar component alone contains 82 symbols within it. All of those symbols preload before your entire movie (including your actual preloader)

Hi again,

Yes , its was two loops that was link on first frame…:slight_smile:

But know what happens is when i click on the sound control panel, my loops
don´t play .

Why is that?
I can´t only make it work if a link them to first frame?


Because if you attach something from the library you MUST export them to the first frame.

The way around this is to actually put the item on the stage BEFORE you actually have to use it. This way it gets preloaded with the rest of the movie and can work fine when used with attachMovie or attachSound.

So you are saying
to just drag the sound file to the stage and keep the sound link?
Explain me clear…


Well with sound the sound will play if you drag it on the stage, so I don’t really know what to do in that situation :-\

But if you are ever using attachMovie, yes, your clips must be preloaded before they are used, so if you don’t want it to delay your preloader you should put them in a frame somewhere out of site so they can preload with the preloader. That way you can remove the Export to First Frame option but still keep the Export for Actionscript and linkage ID.

As for sound, I just don’t know what to do :-\

Originally posted by lostinbeta
Well with sound the sound will play if you drag it on the stage…

not if you select stop in the sync drop down menu :wink:

Yea! im using attachSound, so…

Anyway thanks for the help , have you see it reverendflash around?

Maybe he can help me with that, and i have some Fireworks questions
to ask me…
So if you talk with him, just say filete´s looking for him…

Thanks, lostinbeta
and PEACE!

Ahhhhh, I did not know that.

I have never used sound in a movie where I needed to do that.

AS I can do… anything else in Flash… screw it, I am stupid in that department.

Thanks kax.

Thanks KAX
I will try out…

you’re welcome :wink: =)

and lost, i know that because i helped another member with this problem… not because i actually needed it :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah ok… gotcha :wink:

Hey guys!

Check this site:

And them watch the buttons on top right , where when you mouse over
cames a light rectang very cool.

Im trying to do that kind of buttons, can you give me an ideia how do you
make that?

And Kax, once again thanks!
Just solved that sound link problem…

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Ahhhhh, I did not know that.

I have never used sound in a movie where I needed to do that.

AS I can do… anything else in Flash… screw it, I am stupid in that department.

Thanks kax. **

hehe… I’ve deliberately avoided sound. I’ve visited so many sites with tacky music and sfx its almost put me off using it altogether… but I suppose eventually it all comes down to what the client wants… {fade to heavy sigh}

{excuse my rambling}

That was done as an external movie. I don’t know what program it was done in though, but it was loaded into flash and made into a movie clip that is used repeatedly for each button.

But you can draw one out in Flash and tween in.

Yea! iron!

But you know I can´t avoid sound,
co´s my life is music!
I´m a music composer so now im rebuild my site with just
original music…
Not that kind of loops that you download over the net!

But ,
how can you make that light effect came in fade?
I don´t think you have tools on flash to do that!
It´s really cool…