Might be a little high (+ $100 or so) but that is going off seperate prices and building it yourself so if it’s pre built it’s probably an ok price. What will this machine be used for? I typically wouldn’t reccomend a geforce anything MX, I would go with the cheapest TI model but if you aren’t going to play games on it the MX should work fine. The AMD 2400 is supposed to be equivilant to the processing power of an Intel 2.4 ghz.
I’d reccomend a geforce 4 ti4200 64mb, I just don’t think the the MX cards are very good. However the Geforce 4 MX will probably do a decent job on most games, you may notice some slow down on games with a lot of detail.
There isnt a game I cannot play and I play lots of new ones. I am really starting to see it’s age now though - but if I dont have everything running in high 1024 rez I am just fine
But I will agree that the Ti cards are Fantastic I want a new 128 geforce 4, but I doubt it’s gonna happen anytime soon
Yeah, I should mention I like to run everything at max detail at 1024x768 or 1280x1024, it all depends on what you want out of the card and the detail in your games. The MX cards are by no means crappy, they just don’t compare to the ti cards.
For graphics design and things like that the card will work fine, the only problems you could run into is on games at high resolution with a lot of detail you may get a noticeable framerate drop. As far as graphic design and things like that framerate isn’t real important. And keep in mind you can always upgrade your video card later if the one you have is no longer able to handle the current software you are running.